
"In regards to stewardship, most of us have heard about using our Time, Talents and Treasures for God’s Kingdom. We believe there is another “T” that has to be considered. That “T” is Trust.
Do we really trust (believe, have faith in) in what the Bible says? Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God. (Romans 10:17) Good stewardship of our faith comes before good stewardship of time, talents and treasures. Have you been a good steward of your faith in Jesus? Have you let the Word of God penetrate your heart? Do you trust God to help you grow? Are you allowing the vine dresser to prune your branches? Have you allowed other believers to water and nurture your faith? For Kay and me, our ability to give and be good stewards of our time, talents, and treasures, grows as our faith is nurtured, watered and grown by God."
Rich Ramsbacher
"I love giving to the Association Free Lutheran Bible School (now called Free Lutheran Bible College), because the students there learn to know the true way of salvation. To me that is the most important part of life, knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. FLBC reminds me of the school I attend as a young lady, Augustana Academy in Canton, SD. I am leaving the majority of my estate to FLBC because they teach students the true meaning of life, Jesus."
Dona Sandquist